viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

Un amigo me reto a hacer un ensayo de 300 palabras sobre como seria la perfecta vida de un inmigrante y en ingles,. (Con perdon de los errores ortograficos y que me pase de las 300 palabras).

A perfect inmigrant life.

A person should live in their own environment with their own kind, where they feel at home but that will be a perfect world, without having the necessity to give up one´s own identity just to have opportunities in life, but I don´t refer to the ones who have an adventurer´s heart, or the ones looking for new experiences, or the ones on the run, I refer to common people the ones who emigrate for economical reasons, but leaving their own countries, family , known environment, in such cases it is a very difficult thing to do.

I think most of immigrants have some trouble adapting to their new situations. But I have a positive thinking and conclude that most of humans can adapt to any situation in life after some time.

Some others immigrate because they feel a necessity in themselves, to live a different life to the one which was ascribed to them.

A perfect and complete adaptation.

I don’t know if such thing exists , I just think that for some time you get very sensitive to everything happening around you or maybe it is just me, maybe I’m not that well adapted as I thought., But there are some people that feel at home everywhere, they must be a special kind.

Inmigrate from Latin-American to Spain is supposed to be an advantage, because of the same cultural heritage, religion, and language but I can also affirm that we speak in the same Spanish and think in a very different way. I can see myself many times trying to find the known words not my usual ones. I also understand that our Spanish is not wrong, that is not wrong is just different to the European Spanish.

A perfect immigrant life should be the one in which, you have your own family with you, and I think it is the dream of everyone that makes a big decision to emigrate. To have a dignified living, to have the same rights as a native and especially to have the best opportunities for their families to grow themselves.

But that is just my thinking…….

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Pretty good English! I feel like you do.. I have lived in the USA for 20+ years (some living abroad) so I understand you! Mi breve comentario es que hay una diferencia entre Adaptacion, Asimilacion y Aculturizacion. Como estados o etapas.. donde sin olvidar o perder las costumbres o cultura nativa nos ajustamos e integramos a la nueva. Yo me adapte y asimile mucho.. pero no me aculturize totalmente. Que crees? Nos leemos!

Gracias Lucia